FINAL FANTASY® XIV Online Complete Edition
• Access to all expansion content from Heavensward, Stormblood, Shadowbringers, and Endwalker, unlocking additional jobs, areas, story quests and more ways to explore: flying, swimming and diving
• A unique armoury system that allows players to switch freely between a variety of classes and jobs, including new additions Sage and Reaper, and reach the new level cap of level 90
• All the hallmarks of the FINAL FANTASY franchise, including an engaging storyline, genre-leading graphics, and HD real time cut scenes
• Robust gameplay features such as player-managed Free Companies, diverse party finder features to group up with other players with ease, and a variety of fun activities in the Gold Saucer area, all designed to accommodate a dynamic player community
• Challenging trials, dungeons and raids for groups of up to 24, and exciting player-vs-player (PvP) content for groups of up to 72 players
• Breathtaking musical score by renowned FINAL FANTASY series composers
• Cross-platform play on Windows PC, Mac, PlayStation®4 and PlayStation®5, with incredible graphics engine that delivers a high level of detail and quality on all platforms